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Jessica Ball holding program materials
Documentary DVD
Fatherhood: Indigenous Men’s Journeys
(40 min. with 16 pg. screening guide)
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Fatherhood: Indigenous Men’s Journeys

On this DVD, six First Nations fathers of young children in British Columbia, Canada, talk about what fatherhood means to them. The fathers range in age from 27 to 60. Their backgrounds and their home life situations are diverse. Four live in land-based communities. Two live in urban centres. Filming took place in the fathers’ own homes and immediate surroundings. They describe what it has been like to become fathers, to grow into fatherhood, and to learn how to care for their children. Most have overcome huge social obstacles and personal challenges. They talk frankly about the necessity of healing oneself in order to become positively involved as a father.

The DVD includes a screening guide with the fathers’ biographies and suggested questions for workshops.

The documentary was produced through a collaboration among The Indigenous Fathers Project at the University of Victoria, award-winning Asterisk Productions of Victoria, a SSHRC funded study of fatherhood in Canada, and Ball & Moselle Consulting Inc.
aboriginal fathers

Program materials provided

Fatherhood: Indigenous Men’s Journeys. DVD (40 min. with 16 pg. screening guide) (description above)

Aboriginal Fathers: A Guide for Community Programs. Guide Booklet (60 pp. full colour).

Beginning the Journey of Fatherhood: A Guide for Aboriginal Men. (60 pp. full colour)

“Having a relationship with a child is a courageous act: Show Your Child You Care!” Poster (17 ” X 23” full colour)

What a difference an Aboriginal father can make! 6 sided pamphlet opens out to an 11” X 17” poster, full colour)

Praise for Indigenous Fathers Resources:
Letter from the Office of the National Chief, Assembly of First Nations